Daily Living and Life Skills
Life Skills & Daily Lifestyle
To be independent, one must be able to deal with life’s challenges. When you take care of yourself, you know you can handle anything the day throws at you, which gives you a greater sense of confidence and control.
For people with impairments, we facilitate the development of daily living and life skills. We will support you in gaining your independence as an NDIS provider so that you can accomplish your life goals.
What we offer
Our experienced team will give you all the training and support you need to learn
a wide range of important daily life activities.
a wide range of important daily life activities.
- Using public transport and planning a trip
- Personal presentation, hygiene and taking care of yourself
- Communicating, social skills and interpersonal skills
- Looking after your home and keeping it clean
- Preparing a tasty and healthy meal, and taking care of your nutrition
- Doing your own laundry
- Problem solving daily life challenges
- Budgeting your money and financial management skills development
- Taking your medication
- Doing the grocery shopping and budgeting for what you need
- Improving relationships with your family and friends
- Following a routine for daily tasks
- Planning and organising skills
- Communicating with your NDIS service providers and managing funding of supports
- Regulating your emotions when things become overwhelming
- Improved Daily Living activities and support